5-value rendering with venetian red, yellow ochre, titanium white and ivory black.

From Adam's handout: 5 stages of the painting process:
- linear drawing (cartoon). With small brush, use burnt umber (liquin or galkyd) to draw object contour lines, core shadow and cast shadow lines, taking care of proportions, ellipises, and symmetry.
- 2-tone light/shadow pattern. use burnt umber (liquin or galkyd) to fill in all shadow shapes on the objects and table top surface (if background is dark, fill it in also).
- color block-in stage. start with background and shadow shapes. then move on to the midtones and lights. it can be helpful to locate the darkest shape. it's better to paint sth. too dark than too light at first. work from dark to light, thin to thick.
- 5-value rendering. brighten light-lights and highlights. add reflected light and color into the shadow areas. restate core shadow if needed. it can be helpful to work on one object at a time.
- 9-value rendering. smooth form shadow transitions. add brightest and darkest accents.
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