Wednesday, March 16, 2011

still life painting #7: patterned objects

finish the base layer before going into the pattern.
draw the pattern with calligraphic strokes. don't smooth out.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

first show opening on march 10

still life painting #6: highly reflective metal

reflections of objects (on the metal) should be darker.

still life painting assignment: 3 objects

not much of a success. things i did wrong:
1. used a preprimed cheap linen without adding a few coats of gesso.
2. used a bright red cloth as background and dark violet as tabletop.
3. at the block in stage, started with shadows that're not dark enough in value.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

still life painting #5: colored glass and folds

the folds were frustrating, as i spent most of the day working on them. the fruits? done in the very last couple of minutes. and i started to like the piece, despite its incompleteness, as soon as the fruits were painted in. i guess all the efforts in the folds are just lengthy warm-up for the true colors.